- File APK Disini
- File Obb Disini
- Game Guardian Mod Undetected Disini
- Virtual Xposed Bypass Banned Disini
- Script Terbaru No Banned Disini
Cara Instalasi:
Setelah semua sudah di download, cara selanjut nya yaitu- Instal Virtual Exposed
- Instal APK PUBG Versi MOD
- Instal apk game guardian ke virtual exposed
- Setelah di isntal semua selanjut nya kalian jalankan aplikadi Virtual Exposed nya dan kemudian jalan kan game pubg yang ada di dalam Virtual Xposed
- No Recoil
- Ultra Aimbot
- Auto Headshot
- Magic Bullet
- Player WallHack
- Body White/Black, etc
- Black Sky
- Antenna
- No Grass
- No Trees
- Acceleration UAZ
- UnderWwater UAZ
- Firing Rate M$, SC, AK
- Player Model Big/Small
- Long Jump
- High Juml
- Lift Sit Down Aim
- SpeedHack
- Drive Through Wall
- Quick Weapon Switch
- Fly Buggies
- Kar98k Powershot
- Zoom x4/x8/x15
- Facebook Login
- No Root
- Anti Banned
- And Many More
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